Tulip Academy Spalding is part of C.I.T Academies  |  Tel: 01775 725 566  |  email: enquiries@tulip-cit.co.uk

‘Outdoor Learning’ just got even better!

‘Outdoor Learning’ just got even better!

As previously reported, we have been working hard in the background to continue to improve the outdoor learning provision at Tulip Academy Spalding.

We are now pleased to report some new upgrades on the Waterside Campus.

Thanks to previous funding from the Nineveh Trust, along with funding raised by the school during our running challenges earlier this year, we have been able to install safety railings along the pond jetty, as well as a safety gate and ramp providing full wheelchair access to the pond. With thanks to Lincolnshire County Council, we also now have a fully wheelchair friendly pathway running across the school field from the playground to the Forest School. And now, with huge thanks to local couple Mr and Mrs Lansen, we are thrilled to report that the pupils have an amazing outdoor classroom area providing shelter during gloomier weather.

Val and her husband have also bought the children some fantastic outdoor exercise equipment! We can’t thank them enough.

Springview pupils also access the Forest School, so these improvements made are benefitting all 212 pupils across Tulip Academy Spalding.

Our now fully inclusive Forest School supports pupils with the development of social skills, self-esteem, confidence and transferrable skills.

Matthew Bloodworth-Flatt, Headteacher, said:

“The donation to the school from Mr & Mrs Lansen has been extremely generous and will make a huge difference to the pupils outdoor learning experiences at Tulip Academy. On behalf of all the staff and pupils, I would like to say a huge thank you to Val and her husband.”

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