Tulip Academy Spalding is part of C.I.T Academies  |  Tel: 01775 725 566  |  email: enquiries@tulip-cit.co.uk

Springview Campus

Please find some key information relating to the school day at Springview Campus. If there is any further information you require please contact the school.

School Day

The school day begins at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm. Parents and carers transporting their child to and from school are allowed to drop-off between 8:45am – 9:00am. Parent and carers can collect between 3:00pm and 3:15pm.


Swimming Lessons and Hydrotherapy Sessions

Pupils will attend weekly hydrotherapy and/or swimming sessions in the schools hydrotherapy pool. Parents and carers will receive separate communication regarding when these sessions will take place and therefore when their child is required to bring their swimming kit into school.

Wet Breaks

Pupils will remain in classrooms supervised by staff where snacks and drinks may be eaten. Every classroom will have games and activities for orderly indoor breaks.


Communication is essential for the smooth daily running of the school. Parents, carers and staff request a home/school communication book to ensure messages and information is easily shared. Alternatively, you may wish to establish regular communication via telephone or email. All initial contact should be directed to the class team. 


If your child is not well enough to attend school, please phone the school and leave a message. Please note that if a pupil is sick they should remain at home for 48 hours after the last time they were sick. 

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