Tulip Academy Spalding is part of C.I.T Academies  |  Tel: 01775 725 566  |  email: enquiries@tulip-cit.co.uk

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of our pupils.  It aims to provide motivating and relevant learning and development activities to maximise pupil engagement and support outstanding progress in all areas of learning.

Curriculum Implementation

Personalised provision allows teachers to plan in direct response to a pupil’s individual needs and interests and taking account of their barriers to learning. Through a combination of formal, semi-formal and informal curriculum model approaches.

Curriculum Outcome

Pupils are well prepared for each phase of their education and transition into meaningful, aspirational and independent adult life, well placed to make a positive contribution to life in modern Britain.

The curriculum offer at Tulip Academy Spalding is broken down into the following pathways.

  • Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Pre-formal Pathway
  • Semi-formal Pathway
  • Formal Pathway 

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