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Year 11 NOLA Award

Year 11 NOLA Award

The following news article has been written by Emily, Nikola, Hannah and Rose (Sycamore Class).

Year 11 have been working towards the NOLA (National outdoor learning award) award which involves development of map-reading skills, cooking on gas stoves, shelter building and emergency aid.

The hike: All groups walked from different places. One walked from Moulton Mill, another started at Gosberton, whereas another two walked from Pinchbeck and Spalding. We started at around 11:00 and took a few breaks. Most of the groups arrived at the campsite at around 3:00 to 3:30.

Campsite: When we arrived at the campsite we took a quick break then we all put up our tents, after that we had a few hours free time where some just rested whereas some of the other students played a few games. Everyone cooked their own dinners as a team.  Some struggled slightly with the gas stoves but managed, then after that they cleaned up and ate pudding.

In the evening, we had a campfire and ate roasted marshmallows. Before that some people went into the black hole if they wanted to.  The black hole was a maze with tunnels inside and it was pure black, there also wasn’t any room for them to stand.

Morning: Everyone woke up at 7:00 by a bell and had breakfast. (Sausages/Burgers, or cereal). They had more free time after that and put their tents down, then finally at 11:00 some walked to school, whereas some others took a minibus back.  It was a great but tiring experience!

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