Why is full attendance important?
Tulip Academy Spalding believes that to facilitate teaching and learning, good attendance is essential. Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school. Data shows that there are strong links between poor attendance and underachievement. Good attendance supports achievement, positive wellbeing and helps pupils to form good habits that prepare them for adult life and the world of work.
We understand that barriers to attendance are complex, and that some pupils find it harder than others to attend school; therefore, we will continue to prioritise cultivating a safe and supportive environment at school, as well as strong and trusting relationships with pupils and parents.
We take a whole-school approach to securing good attendance and recognise the impact that our efforts in other areas – such as the curriculum, behaviour standards, bullying, SEND support, pastoral support, and the effective use of resources such as pupil premium – can have on improving pupil attendance.
Safeguarding our pupils
As the vast majority of our pupils travel to school by taxi, good communication between home and school is paramount to ensuring pupil safety and wellbeing.
When a pupil is absent, the school must be notified of this and of the reasons for this before 9:15am. If the school is not provided with this information the school will immediately contact home to request this information.
The school must have accounted for all pupils by 10:30am every day. To do this, we will call home for all pupils who have not arrived and who we have not received an absence notification for.
What we do
We will contact you on the first day of absence if you have not informed us why your child is absent.
We will send you attendance statistics termly.
As required, offer bespoke intervention, support and guidance based on the needs of your child and social circumstances, with the view to support an increase in attendance. (Please refer to our Attendance Flow Diagram).
If you would like to discuss your child’s attendance you can contact the following attendance officers:
Kathryn Greene (Assistant Headteacher – Waterside Campus)
Toni Wand (Assistant Headteacher – Springview Campus)