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Willow have it Wrapped Up!

Tulip Academy’s Willow Class have been so busy this term! In English, they began their new topic, writing information texts linked to sports. Pupils each selected a sport to focus on and then researched its history, rules, objectives and global impact in preparation for writing paragraphs linked to this. 

Their focus in Maths so far has been multiplication and division, and they are now moving on to fractions. Being confident in your times-tables is important, so the children have been playing multiplication board games to practise their skills. 

In cookery, they have been learning how to use the grills and liquidisers safely, making jacket potatoes and smoothies in each of their lessons. The pupils thought the smoothies were so refreshing, while the cheesy jackets were the perfect winter comfort food.

The pupils have also been lucky enough to do some outdoor cooking! During Forest School lessons, they have been building fires to cook toast and popcorn! 

In PE, they have been exploring different types of circuit activities, with the most recent focus being on boxing. 

Well done to Willow Class, what a great start to 2025!

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