Tulip Academy Spalding is part of C.I.T Academies  |  Tel: 01775 725 566  |  email: enquiries@tulip-cit.co.uk

Informal Pathway

Our aim is to provide children and young people with complex needs to learn how to safely navigate the world with as much independence as possible. 

Pupils who attend our school will have an Educational and Health Care plan and will be working significantly below their chronological age and will have complex Severe learning Difficulties/Autism Spectrum Condition with a likely ‘spikey profile’.

In addition, pupils may have:

  • Complex communication needs and differences 
  • Significant difficulties with attention and focus
  • Complex sensory differences and sensory profiles
  • Emotional regulation difficulties – can express needs/wants/preferences through dysregulation.

Most of our pupils will have accessed the EYFS/KS1 provision which will determine which pathway best suits their individual needs. If it is decided that the Informal provision is most appropriate, we will work with parents/carers and professionals to ensure that they effectively transition from this assessment phase. 

As pupils will be working before the National Curriculum and are unlikely to be accessing any/many of the pre key stage standards pupils will be accessing a provision not a curriculum. This is an important difference as we acknowledge that before pupils can access a curriculum, they need to have the prerequisite skills to be able to be ready to learn. 

The provision is personalised to each pupil, as it is centred on what the child needs, knows and can do. Each child has personalised targets, derived from a variety of sources (EHCP and professional reports). This ensures that learning and provision is relevant to each pupil. The learning intentions facilitate small steps of progress to be observed and built upon, based on each child’s starting points, motivators and engagement. It ensures reflective practice to provide support, stretch and challenge. 

For some pupils, they may be at the very early stages of attention and engagement and therefore the Engagement model will be used to support pupils to access their immediate environment and sustain and increase attention to desirable and less desirable activities.

Provision Implementation

As pupils grow and develop it is important that the learning environment mirrors this growth. Below are recommended adjustments as pupils develop 

Long Term Plan

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