Tulip Academy Spalding is part of C.I.T Academies  |  Tel: 01775 725 566  |  email: enquiries@tulip-cit.co.uk



Please email the clerk in the first instance: jingle.clerk@citacademies.co.uk

CIT Governance

In a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), the Trust is responsible for all of its schools/academies. For the Community Inclusive Trust, governance of our MAT resides with Members, Trustees and Local School Boards.

Members: The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the academy Trust, with the ability to appoint some of the Trustees and the right to amend the Trust’s Articles of Association. CLICK HERE to view the CIT Articles.

Trustees: The trustees are responsible for the three core areas of governance:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

CIT’s  Members and Trustees oversee the whole organisation and the MAT is the legal Governing Body for all CIT schools, but much of the work of the Trust Board is delegated to the Local School Board. CLICK HERE to view the CIT Scheme of Delegation.

Local School Boards and Local Governors: At Tulip Academy Spalding, we have a committed team of Governors who are actively involved in the life of the school. They reflect the community we serve and include parent, community and staff representatives. Governors serve as a key link between the Trust Board, parents/carers and the local community. They monitor the performance of the school, advising the Trustees on what’s going well and of any concerns.

If you want to bring any matters to the attention of the Local School Board, you should email the Clerk: jingle.clerk@citacademies.co.uk or address your correspondence to the Chair of Governors at the school address.

The Governors are passionate about the school and are here to make sure that every young person is given the best education, opportunities and experiences possible. Our Governors play an important role in overseeing the work of the school, acting as “critical friends” for the Senior Leadership Team and holding the school to account for performance and development.

Please note that any complaints regarding the school must be raised in line with our complaints policy found HERE and cannot be raised with the Local School Board.

To find out more about CIT’s Governance Structure, please click the link below:

To view Local School Board documents, please click the links below:

Meet the Local School Board:

Chair and Safeguarding Governor – Kate Yearsley

Kate was born and raised in Spalding, and after her initial career in banking and finance in London, she moved back to the area with her family.  Kate’s son attended the Priory School and she initially became a Parent Governor to give something back and offer a parent’s perspective on the board.  Now a community governor, Kate is committed to ensuring that the excellent work continues so that we can provide the very best for the pupils. 

Kate now works for a national charity in the community, along with my ‘hobby-job’ of dance and fitness instructing.

Headteacher – Matthew Bloodworth-Flatt 

Matthew began working for the Spalding Special Schools 11 years ago as a teaching assistant at the Garth Shool. By the next academic year he had moved over to the Priory School where he has worked since.

Over the last 11 years Matthew has been in the role of teaching assistant, teacher, Assistant Headteacher, Headteacher and now, Headteacher for Tulip Academy Spalding.

Matthew feels very privileged to have had the opportunity to work within so many roles within one school. He feels this experience gives him a clear understanding of how many parts of the school work and this informs his decision making as he leads the schools.

Matthew is also an appointed Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) and as part of this, he works collaboratively with other schools in the Trust and, when required, and supports schools across the county with their mathematics provision.

Staff Governor – Charlene Harrison

Charlene Harrison is currently working as an qualified teacher, having completed her degree in December.  She has 5 years experience in education and this is her first appointment as a governor. Charlene is looking forward to helping the school in other ways.  Her passion is to help support and facilitate opportunities for pupils in the best possible ways.

Parent Governor – Vivienne Collin

Vivienne’s Grandson attends Tulip Academy. She has had a great deal of contact with him since birth – learning along the way about Autism and the difficulties, joys and uniqueness that go hand in hand with a diagnosis. She has spent over 10 years working in schools supporting classes and individuals with their learning journey, and Vivienne has also worked alongside a Pupil Referral Unit prompting inclusion and acceptance of pupils who find a school setting challenging.

With 12 years experience within the care industry, Vivienne supported individuals with schooling and their daily lives. She has also worked as a Registered Manager of a children’s home – making sure the children had the best care, support and opportunities regardless of their individual needs. Vivienee has also managed Adult supported and residential homes for young people with various needs and difficulties.

Viviene is currently working as a Teaching Assistant in a small primary school, where she supports children on the Autistic Spectrum to fulfil their potential and to enjoy a happy, safe and positive school experience. She has experience of Ofsted, Safeguarding and keeping up to date on all policies and procedures required.

Community Governor – Jago Yearsley

Bio coming soon…

Community Governor – Louisa Clare

Bio coming soon…

Community Governor – Nick Jackson

Bio coming soon…

Should you wish to contact the Chair or other members of the Local School Board please email the clerk in the first instance: jingle.clerk@citacademies.co.uk

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